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Fair Daily Schedule

Jason D'Vaude Art of Fire Show

Dangerous objects! Perilous stunts! Feats of strength and balance! Jason D’Vaude, self-taught one-man multiple-adjectived circus sensation, brings his comedic juggling, fire, and clowning shows to audiences around the world, delighting them with his charming humor and distinct but refined awkwardness. After seeing Jason  juggle sharp objects, climb up precariously-balanced objects, ride an extra-tall unicycle, or manipulate fire like a master, audiences are left speechless except to say “that was AWESOME!”

Play Pictionary with TV Host Jerry O'Connell at the Fair

It will be all fun and games on Saturday Evening (Aug 10th) in the Olde Barn Pavilion; when National Celebrities Jerry O’Connell host of Pictionary and Melissa Peterman host of Person, Place Or Thing will be LIVE on stage for a night of fun and games from 6-7PM with Meet & Greet To Follow.  A big shout-out to our longtime partnership with WBNX TV55 that we have this opportunity to have our county fair on a National Stage.

National Model Railroad Association

The National Model Railroad Association, a 501(c)(3) not for profit educational organization, was founded at the first National Convention over Labor Day Weekend, 1935. The initial goal was to develop standards for scale model railroad equipment to facilitate interchangeability and operation of equipment between modelers, clubs and others.

Donut Eating Contest

Wednesday, August 9, 2023 – 7:00pm
Age 5 to 7 years – First Place Trophy (Limited to 15 contestant)
Age 8 to 13 years – First Place Trophy (Limited to 15 contestant)
Age 14 to 19 years – First Place Trophy (Limited to 15 contestant)
Age 20 and up – First Place Trophy (Limited to 10 contestant)

Pickle Eating Contest

Tuesday, August 8, 2023 – 4:00 p.m.
Age 5 to 7 years – First Place Trophy (Limit 15 contestants)
Age 8 to 13 years – First Place Trophy (Limit 15 contestants)
Age 14 to 19 years – First Place Trophy (Limit 15 contestants)
Age 20 and up – First Place Trophy (Limit 10 contestants)



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